No One Likes To Be Here!

No One Likes To Be Here!
This Is A Place Where People Won't Choose To Be! But Some People Cannot Choose Where To Be! (Photo: Courtesy Of Internet)

Roses For Those Who Perished ...

Roses For Those Who Perished ...
We Hereby Pay Respect To Those Who Did Not Choose To Die In The Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan .. (Photo: Courtesy Of Internet)

Life Is Very Sad At Times .....

We take things for granted in life! Whatever we miss out today, may never be waiting for us tomorrow. An old quotation, "Time Waits For No Man Nor Tide”.

Tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, bushfires, wars, 9/11 etc .. take away lives instantly. In these circumstances, many people lose their loved ones without any notice.

Visit someone today. Keep the link and don't regret when tomorrow comes!

Send This To All Your Loved Ones And Friends

This is to remind them to keep in touch constantly with their loved ones to foster a better relationship.

My aim is to create a following of people who cares for others.

Let's share out our ideas to make this world a better place to live in for our families!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The World Is Still Divided .......

It is very sad to know that there are still mixed feelings and different opinions about the disasters that has happened in Japan.

My personal opinion is, we belong to ONE race call Homo Sapiens. And we shall help each other in times of trouble disregard of race or creed. Despite what had happened in the past according to history, the Japanese has done a lot of good to the world today.

You are invited to post your comments and views here.

Thank You.

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